
Is it Possible to Make a Career Switch in the Construction Sector?

After a few years of disruption you may be considering a career switch but wondering if it’s even possible when it comes to the construction sector. Maybe you feel like you’ve plateaued in your current construction career, or just feel like facing a new challenge. 

In many of the trade sectors, there is often a myth that once you’re in a role there’s no way to move, but this comes from a lack of understanding about what jobs are available in the construction industry. For example, jobs in the sector are often portrayed as being limited to manual labour roles, when in fact there is a vast array of roles which cover both onsite and head office. 

When you’ve been in a particular role for many years, it is completely understandable to feel that there’s no way to move, but a job is no longer for life, it’s about finding a role that fits your life. 

As the construction sector continues to be in desperate need of talent, now is an ideal time to make the move you desire into a role that brings you more fulfilment. 

To guide you in making your career switch in the construction sector, we’ve revealed the areas you should look at in the industry, and ways to change roles that will mean you can secure a new career that gets you excited again. 


Training in the construction sector is very poorly marketed, which means many professionals only believe that training is available to those just entering the industry. But this is not true, and there are many learning pathways to help you retrain while still working. 

As of January 2021, there were approximately 28,000 jobs available in construction in the UK. It is a high-demand industry, which means no matter the route you choose you are going to have many opportunities for roles. 

Besides, once you upskill and retrain, you have those skills for life, which makes you more valuable. 

New courses and training programmes are now becoming available online through eCourses, which means you can even retrain in the comfort of your own home. For example, CITB now offers Health & Safety online, and Site Management training. 

If you want to stay with your current employer, but just want to adopt a new role, small employers can also apply for training funds to help cover retraining their team. This helps both you switch careers, and your employer keep a loyal team member.

Transferable Skills 

One thing that’s easy to forget, is that skills can be transferable from one role to another, meaning in some cases you only need a minimum amount of retraining to enter a different role. 

You may already have what it takes to switch careers, which is something people so often overlook. 

While you may be feeling overwhelmed about the prospect of switching careers, wondering if it’s even possible, the good news is sometimes it’s just a change of perspective that you need. 

Rather than look at the role you’ve had, consider all the skills you have that will enable you to pursue a new career.  

Write down all the technical skills you have, and the soft skills such as managing people, or being well organised etc. 

Rising to Leadership 

You may wish to come away from the tools altogether and adopt a leadership role in the construction sector. 

Rising to a leadership role may take slightly longer than other changes, but it can pay off in the long run as these roles are notoriously key to the growth of companies, and bringing in fresh talent for more manual roles.

If you have experience in the sector, it can also mean that you’re halfway there to being a strong manager, and the final area you need to improve is your people management skills. 

You can begin on the ladder of management without any relevant qualifications, learning while you earn. 

Online courses such as those on Open University and FutureLearn are a great place to start and are free of charge. You can discover if management is really what you want to do, before committing to the switch. 

Speak to a Recruiter 

As with any big career move, it’s best practice to speak to a recruiter who understands the construction sector, such as our team at Marshall Recruitment. 

An informed recruiter who knows a lot about the industry will be able to guide you on the areas you need to learn or adopt before you can be considered for the roles you want. This can take much of the pain away from guessing what you need, and get you a foot through the door much quicker when once you’ve completed your training. 

By working with a recruiter, they can recommend you to ideal employers who are seeking great talent and even put you forward to employers who will continue to invest in your professional development. 

Examples of Construction Career Switch

You might still think that a career switch in construction is impossible, so here we’ve highlighted some of the roles and the relevant switches you can make. We hope this will give you some reassurance that anything is possible if you have the right attitude.


Management Roles 

Managers are always required in the construction sector, whether it’s managing people, the project, or materials.


Commercial Manager 

A commercial manager is responsible for the budgets for large-scale construction projects. If your role means you are already managing business finances, or meeting deadlines, this will be a great fit for you.


Compliance Manager 

A compliance manager is in charge of making sure professional standards and regulations are met. If you currently work on the health and safety of a site, and any environmental regulations, this role would be a good fit for you.


Tech Roles 

You may be interested in the tech and digital side of construction. After all, it is one area that is set to grow as the industry becomes more tech-savvy.


BIM Technician

A BIM Technician creates technical drawings and designs which become the blueprint of construction builds. If you love computers and work with any computer-aided design programmes, this is the role for you.

These are just a few examples of the switches you can make in construction. Speak to us today about the roles we have available and the experience you need.


Marshall Recruitment

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