How To Get Noticed Now in Construction

The construction industry is changing, and as a worker in the sector, it has never been more paramount to stand out and ensure your skills and talents not only serve you now but see your career become future proof. 

Putting the COVID-19 pandemic aside for one moment, we have to realise that what we see now in the construction industry is nothing compared to how much change is coming. 

With a push on the environment and sustainability, huge skills gap occurring due to the lack of young talent, and a push to keep up with digital transformation; the construction sector needs people who can bring it into the new century. 

Employers are becoming increasingly aware of not just hiring short-term labour, but investing in people who can help their business move with the times and remain relevant. 

To help you get your foot through the door, and secure a position at an established construction company, we’ve revealed some of the things you should be doing to stand out from the crowd. 

Get Digitally Savvy 

According to research by Investors in People, more than 50% of construction jobs now require some element of digital skills. 

Despite your job role, be that a labourer, a carpenter, or an electrician; embracing digital skills is not only becoming a requirement, but it’s going to grow as more technology, and digital software is brought into the industry. 

If you don’t know where to start when it comes to your digital skills, we suggest that you start at some of the basics and work your way up—for example, starting on general computer literacy and then enhancing into more technical software. 

You can start learning most digital skills for free, as there are now many free resources available online. YouTube hosts a number of videos and tutorials, but if you need something more formal, you can opt to learn on free courses such as those done by the Open University or FutureLearn

Adopt a New Skill 

Adding a new skill to your CV can help separate you from the rest. 

The new skill you adopt could support your existing skills – for example; if you’re a carpenter, you could look at learning more about environmentally friendly materials and how to work with them. 

Alternatively, you could look to adopt a completely new skill that may be needed in the future. This may include learning more about drone photography which is becoming increasingly used in build projects. 

Whatever takes your interest, find something that gets you really excited, and provides you with door opening potential. 

Not only will this new skill elevate your employability, but it will also give you something to delve further into in the future making your job future proof.

Show Your Passion 

While you may think social media is just for keeping up with your friends, it’s also becoming an incredible platform to show off your skills and talents. 

A number of construction companies now use the likes of Instagram and Facebook to show their work and reveal the projects they are currently working on. 

However, social media can also be used professionally to show off your skills. 

Setting up an account to purely post about your recent work, and the new skills you are learning provides you with a portfolio that you can show potential employers. 

Make this profile completely about your professional skills, and you will soon have an online portfolio that you can include on your CV. 

If you have a real passion for your trade, then you could even go further and set up a YouTube channel where you can give tutorials or educate others who are looking to join the industry. 

With the online opportunities, the sky is the limit in what you can do and show. 

To a potential employer, this not only shows real passion but reveals that you are opening to learn more on the job. 

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